
Showing posts from October, 2017

Developing Nations Connected

Education systems in developed and developing nations is such an interesting piece for me to talk about, Currently I work in a developed country, Canada, but I have also had many opportunities to work in developing nations such as Viet Nam, Africa, Peru, and India. I must state when I worked in these developing nations it was over the past decade, and lets be honest technology has become even more prevalent world wide in just the last few years. Each one of these countries that I worked in have a huge similarity and that is the schools main goal was to provide children with a safe environment to go each day. It was not the sole goal for children to learn while at school like math, science and English in developed countries, but to teach about hygiene, provide food, clothes and warmth with some laughter and singing. All of these rural communities I worked in did not have even one book for children to look at or even electricity. The resources available to the students were oral stories...

How Teacher Librarians Share their knoweldge

A librarian’s area of expertise is information management; in the twenty first century Librarians are information providers, consultants, curriculum activist, instructional designers, instructional leaders, production specialist and most importantly teachers. That is a very long list of the roles and responsibility of a Teacher Librarian to accomplish on their own. The saying, “it takes a village to raise a child” is also true that it takes a community of teachers to teach students to become successful global citizens.   The only way this can happen is if knowledge is shared with everyone. What can I do as an up and coming Teacher Librarian to support my school community? That is such a difficult question, especially since my district does not have Learning Commons. So the suggestions I am going to give will seem very basic, and that is with good reason as this is the start of an updated library. To begin with I would need to...