Curation of Learning 4

Curation Of Learning Retrieved from Google Another school year is upon us, how quickly they come and go. As I sit here in my classroom and think about all the million of tasks I have before me and wonder how can I meet all my students needs. I am reminder that each year is a time for learning not only for my students but also for myself. As I mentioned before I am a grade one classroom teacher, I am not yet an employed Teacher-Librarian as in my school district those jobs are far and few between. The Calgary Board of Education, like many school districts, had funding cut many years ago and slowly the importance of libraries are becoming more prominent. Currently my school has a Library Assistant, to be an assistant only requires a 60hour course. So you can imagine how far behind my school is with the transition to a learning commons, and unfortunately my school is not the only one in my school district. I am coming close to an end of my journey on becoming ...