Developing Global Organizations

I think the main take away that I took from this session of inquiry was that there are so many organizations, blogs, websites and supports for Teacher Librarians in any avenue they are seeking. I would say that probably many of us in the course are taking away many new avenues of development, may it be from making a first time blog, twitter account or developing our professional practice.

While doing the inquiry project on developing world libraries a spark went off for my professional growth. I have two passions in life one, being a teacher and the other traveling around the world to explore different cultures. This inquiry has started to help me begin the first stages of developing my own outreach program for developing nations. Now when I first thought about developing my own organization it was an overwhelming feeling, where to start why would I start this when there are already so many great organizations out there. Such as the programs I research, African Library Project and One LapTop Per Child, refer back to the previous blog. Then it came to me, there are all these great organizations that offer one resource to developing nations. I want to develop my own program that provides books, education, and power solutions. One way I can obtain this success would be to partner up with other developed organizations or eventually develop my own that provides all the supports a developing nations would need to be successful. I will need to continue to do research and this will be a long-term professional goal.

(Retrieved from Google)

While doing further research I came across this one organization called Room to Read. This organizations aim is to help children in low-income countries such as Nepal with a focus on literacy and gender equality in education. I am planning on heading to Nepal this spring to do some hiking and help out with the devastation of Katmandu after the earthquakes.  This would be a great experience to volunteer with a developed organization to help with my professional growth.  To continue to see what options are out there for providing communities with energy to run a school with equipment there is this amazing blog post Renewable Green Energy with over 40 organizations I can explore for possibilities.  While this topic resonated with me it is a life long goal I can work towards to combine both my passions.

The best part to this inquiry is it has provided me with developing a network of likeminded teachers who share the same passion of TL work.  


African Library Project. Retrieved Oct 25 2017 from:

Room To Read. Retrieved Nov 1 2017 from:

One Laptop Per Child. Retrieved Oct 25 2017 from:


  1. I think it's so great that you are going to be able to connect with something that you have learned about. I really like the website and all the links that it has. There are some very interesting groups out there that are making a difference. I hope you feel like you make a difference as well as get to know the country.

  2. I appreciated reading your blog as it reminds me of the inequity that exists for access to learning tolls ;books and digital and how important these programs are you mentioned. My sister spent 6 years in Nepal teaching Nepalese to be physical therapists(that's what she is) if you are interested I could pass on her email and phone number; she now lives near Grande Prairie; Ab. I know you will make a difference especially for girls/women and literacy who are the two thirds of the illiterate.

  3. Some great reflection here on the key learning for you over the last few weeks. It is exciting to read about the giant spark that has been ignited within you to support developing world libraries and communities after your inquiry and research. Excellent list and discussion of different ways you can help and support these communities with the gaps you have identified.

  4. So great to read about your plans of volunteering in Nepal. Also about your long term professional development goal of developing your own program to support literacy development in developing nations. I also came across the organization called Room to Read, they and along with so many other organizations around the world, do such great and important work that make a real difference in the lives of children and people in developing nations.


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