Vision of a Learning Commons

To all my fellow new TL’s or Teachers interested in what a learning commons is. When I first signed up to take my Librarianship program at UBC I was not sure what to think or expect. I sure was aware that I would be learning a lot since I work in another province, a province that is behind when it comes to TL’s. I have been able to grow a great network on likeminded teachers who have the same passion and drive I do when it comes to educating children to be literate. One area I know I was very weak in was technology, I come from a generation where technology was not prominent and it never really peaked my interest. So to take a course that’s entire focus was on technology I was slightly intimidated to say the least. So why not fight my intimidating to the fullest strength?? Sure I will build a website, so that is just what I did.

The Library to Learning Commons website  I designed was mostly for myself to really focus on the first stepping-stones from transition from a traditional library to a learning commons. My school is in the transition and I am the only educator at our school with the knowledge, so I wanted to have a one stop shop for all the most important things to start the transition, once the district has gone ahead that is. The best way to learn is by sharing your learning and I have already networked with other teachers in different schools in my district to share my website. This process was challenging but not as challenging as I expected. I was able to play around with Website Builder through trial and error using their templates and suggestion on layouts. It was easy to bring in documents and pictures, making it an multi page website and allowing you to preview what it looks like while still working on it. This program is also free! One area I was not able to figure out is I wanted to have my power point presentation I created to play on a page, the only thing I was able to do was put it as a downloadable document. So there are still many some areas I need support from an actual person to help me. For the most part Website builder is very straightforward and easy for even students to use, and I would highly suggest using this program with older students. I know I will never become as efficient, but efficient enough that my fellow colleagues come to me when they have technical issues.

While researching, and reading many articles, blogs and texts I was able to light a passion within myself for life long learning goal as an educator. I have a desire to design an outreach program for disadvantaged youths around the world to become literate. With all my experience teaching in undeveloped countries and taking this program I have realized I do have enough knowledge with technology to achieve this long-term goal.


  1. The website you created looks bright and easy to navigate. I was able to clearly understand the links and images. I understand your comment about lighting a passion. I hope this continues as you do more and more in your new area.

  2. Great idea to try to build a website with Website Builder. I liked how you added your pictures and a little about you so it makes it welcoming to make connections using you submission form. I just moved from Calgary and I also was surprised how few librarians they hire . This is a great connecting point for LA and Librarians. Good luck in achieving you long term goal in helping disadvantaged youth with technology it does help to cross boundaries.

  3. Great looking website. I like that it is not cluttered and easy to navigate. I have not used Website Builder before and I would like to try it out in the future. Thanks for sharing!


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